In Spain the ships are connected to the docks and the mass of workers were equipping it with munitions and backups.In Venice the ships pulling over to the canal and the different producers of gun and munitions,while the ship was passing, they were releasing their goods to the deck. The stunned Spanish tourist took notes of this condition on his diary.He observed the more ideal work-sharing example:He was the witness of the mechanism of the World's first assembly line.
The underlying idea is simply,to divide the work and we will be able to produce more, better with the specialization of the job that each unit performs best.In fact the work-sharing using for years.In Antique Greek, it was a well-known method;it was present in factories of during Adam Smith's times.But only at the beginning in 20th century,Henry Ford and with his Model-T car, it tooks the perfect form.
The Work-Sharing,first it was efective on to start the Industrial Revolution,different countries,it provides to increase their productivity and wealth.Every product that might come to mind today was produced with the work-sharing.
Manufacturing Confusion Imagine a basic pencil.Production includes many different stages:cutting wood,removal of the relevant substance and shaping,stigmatization,varnishing,eraser attachment.There is one more hand labor to procude one pencil.
Until the time of Adam Smith, the work-sharing was not explained by a simple theory.Smith in his book '' The Wealth of Nations '',gives the example of the famous needle factory.This,in 18th century England,a factory that manufactures small needles by hand.Smith says it's hard to make a needle in the house of an ordinary man at home, and Smith says the job is divided among various experts in the needle factory:
One man draws out the wire; another straights it; a third cuts it; a fourth points it; a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head; to make the head requires two or three distinct operations; to put it on is a peculiar business; to whiten the pins is another; it is even a trade by itself to put them into the paper; and the important business of making a pin is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen distinct operations, which, in some manufactories, are all performed by distinct hands, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them.
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations pg:14-15
According to Smith,in a factory of 10 people,through work-sharing,can be produced in a day 48,000 needles.It means increase %400 thousand in productivity. A group to work like this way,it makes much of the total of what the self-constituting individuals can do.
Naturally,centuries ago it is the prototype of factories created by Henry Ford. Ford designs an assembly line, in which each of the workers will add a new piece to it, which will pass the different workers' teams in front of the automobile.Hereby,it can produce automobiles by spending far less money and time it takes to make cars.
To Know the Strong But work-sharing doesn't finish here.Imagine a company,get better than workers fromthe manager of the company is in charge,in administration,in accounting,in marketing and building cleaning..All these officials from inside they will choose the most profitable for theirselves,for others assigns others.
Same way, of a automobile producers,in seats leather to sound system,It would be very pointless for him to do all the parts of the vehicle by theirself.Some of jobs( or all) leave it to the expert companies,to supply the pieces from them and it is more profitable to pick them up and assemble from them.
Smith,devoloped that idea to one step forward.Work-sharing not to be only in among a different people,but also he proposes to be in among different countries and cities too.
Dangers of Divisions There are some problems with the work-sharing too.The first one of this-many fired employers was witnessed of this-it is difficult for someone who specializes in an unsolicited craft to find another job.One hundered automobile worker,mine worker,steel worker,iron worker....etc when the factories are closed,they were unemployed in the past years.Secondly, a factory could become completely dependent to a person or a group of people.This,these people's over whole process,they will have the power to abuse it if they wished it.
Third, of individual in single job and condensation on expertise,it can make it increasingly reluctant.To repeat one work to all day,according to Smith's statement it leads to a situation called ''Mental Disabling.'' It prevents to progress of people mental capacities and alienate them to each other.Karl Marx agreed too.In fact Marx said,in the Communist Manifesto,workers became increasingly desperate and at the end of they will rebel against his bosses.
The alienation caused by job sharing, the incredible earnings it provides, must be compared.Work-sharing it was the reasons of modern economics growing and shrinking and it was the very important parts of economic logic's.
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